Is 5:1-7; Phil 4:6-9; Matt 21:33-43

Image credit: Mangalore Diocese  


Two brothers went treat-or-tricking and collected some eggs. The elder said to his younger brother, “I will give you one dollar if you let me break three eggs on your head.” The little boy knew it was going to be a painful experience, but because he needed the dollar he agreed. The bigger boy then went on to break an egg on his brother’s head. His brother took it with an “Ouch!” Then he broke the second egg on his little brother’s head. This time it really hurt and his little brother cried out in pain. But the young lad was determined to get his dollar. So he braced himself for the third and last egg, but his senior brother walked away laughing. “Come on, bring on the third egg,” said the little boy. “Nope!” said the bigger brother, “I don’t wanna lose my dollar.”



What do we learn here? We see in the story a breach of contract. Here I am pointing at the sense of responsibility. Like the big brother in our story, some people go about trying to take advantage of others, of the society, and even of God. We see that in the parable of the rebellious farm managers in today’s gospel, who enjoy the benefits that accrue to them as managers but withhold the benefits that should go to the landowner. Today’s gospel calls for responsibility and accountability in our dealings with God, which include our dealings with our fellow human beings.

We are called to be responsible Christians. Let us then not remain at the ritual level in our practices. We are called to show our love for God in our day-to-day life or fight obvious injustices or alleviate the miseries of our suffering brothers and sisters. Also, by loving those who hate us, by forgiving even those who committed grievous sins against us. And by doing so, we become like God who love without condition those who committed sins against Him.



Let us pray that we may work hard to make our faith produce real fruits of justice and love.

(Please add your reflections and comments below)

Happy Sunday


  1. Thanks a lot dear Br Anush for the meaningful reflection how to share the love of God practically in our daily situation of life. May Jesus bless you and your mission.

  2. This is a wonderful analogy brother. For the past few days I was reflecting as to how my actions didn't coincide with my thoughts. I read the bible,listened to the word of God but often like in the story I slack, I breach 'the contract of obedience' I have with God. Whenever, I feel I'm not living up to the word of God I'll keep this analogy in mind. Looking forward to more thought provoking stories.
