Is 25:6-10; Phil4:12-14, 19-20; Matt 22:1-10

Image credit: Mangalore Diocese  



A young man who went to other places in search of fortune. A few years later, he returned to his place with several passenger jeeps loaded with riches. “Now, I am going to play a trick on my relatives and friends,” he said to himself. He donned some rugged clothes and went to see his cousin Pedro, first. ”I’m your long lost cousin, Juan. I’m back home after several years in other places. Just look at me how miserable I am. May I stay with you for a while?” he said.


Pedro said: “I’m sorry, but there is no room here for you.”


Juan visited some of his relatives and friends but he was not accepted any of them. So he decided and returned to where he put his riches, dressed himself in luxurious clothes, rode through his place with a large entourage of servants and purchased all those businesses about to close down and bought a majestic mansion. After only two days, the news of his riches had spread all over the place. “Who could have imagined it,” said one of the relatives and friends who rejected him, “if we had only known, we would have acted differently, but it is too late now. We missed the riches.”



In today’s gospel passage we have a similar parable explained by Jesus. The king invited everyone to have a wedding meal. Many rejected it. Many said, “No, not today.” Others said, “We are busy…” they missed the opportunity of having a grand wedding meal of the king. 

In our life too, we give many excuses when it comes to Spiritual aspects. “Oh... No… Not today… I am busy with my business; I will not attend Mass this Sunday because I have other house works to do…God Understands me...” and what not!



Drink the Christian BEER i.e. read the B-ible regularly, attend the E-ucharist and receive the Body and Blood of Christ as our spiritual food of our souls, do an E-xpression of love especially to those that nobody love them, and love our mother Mary by saying the R-osary daily.


(Please add your reflections and comments below)

Happy Sunday 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot dear Br Anush for your thought provoking reflections. "Drink the Christian BEER " is very practical. May Jesus bless you and your ministry.
