Poem: Tree of Friendship

Tree of Friendship

Friendship is a beautiful tree!
lts beauty  comes natural,  and  free
From any blab being or greed,
Must be savored as a rare treat.
It has a root so strong and deep,
Goes way down for hundreds of feet
In the ground: It is mutual trust
And respect, never to be cussed.
It has bundles of splendid leaves
so green!  They make   a spread that weaves
Into a net.  It’s the many
hours  of comradeship  friends   enjoy.
It may   even quietly blossom!
Flowers though   hidden,   yet handsome
And fragrant;    they radiate   such love
only friends   can  truly   approve.
Like any   other tree it needs            
Sunshine and water   to give seeds.
They are the smiles,   grin and laughter
Shared by friends   with one another! 
Is yours and mine to keep and sip
The moment we fail to take care,
It will vanish into the thin air.

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