Sunday Reflections

Epiphany of our Lord: January 02, 2022

Isaiah 60:1-6; Ephesians 3:2-3a.5-6; Matthew 2:1-12

(Image Courtesy: Google)
A Parish priest was taking a group of his catechism children to a church, which was known to be a pilgrimage centre.

The children were very much excited seeing the new church, which was particularly famous for its glass paintings.

As they kids moved around the church, little Peter – all of 6 years and the smallest one of the group – suddenly gazed at a large glass painting and shouted:

“Wow! There is the Cross of Christ!

Do you see what I see?”

Seeing his excitement, the others also gathered to see the Glass Painting.

But they could see nothing of the Cross!

To them, the glass painting resembled only a jumbled mass of confusion

It was a modernistic glass picture composed of a maze of colours and shapes – sophisticated and abstract

But little Peter kept shouting: “Do you see what I see?”

The others kept nodding their heads in negation.

But Peter went on: “Can’t you see him? It’s Jesus hanging on the cross.”

The priest finally said: “Little Peter… maybe we are all blind.

But could you please… help us to see what you see?”

With all excitement, with his little finger, through the maze of shapes and colours…

… Peter outlined the Cross as he kept saying: “Do you see what I see?”

And then… like an Epiphany, they all saw JESUS…

… His Face

… His Arms outstretched on the Cross

As the image began to appear more clear!

And then with astonishment, the priest looking at little Peter and then the Cross of Christ, exclaimed: “This… is… Epiphany!”

Today we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany of our Lord.  It is also called Theophany, meaning the Manifestation, especially by Eastern Church. At present on the feast of Epiphany, only the coming of the Magi is celebrated. The word 'epiphany' comes from the Greek word epiphania, meaning a 'showing' or 'manifestation'. Epiphany celebrates God's revealing or manifesting of Jesus' identity as true God, Messiah, and Saviour of the world.

We read today’s gospel from the account of Matthew. Matthew who recounts the event, tells us how the Magi arrived in Jerusalem following a star, seen at its rising and interpreted it as a sign of the birth of a new king.  These Magi came in search of the newly born king and we visualize God revealing himself to the universe through a group of non-Jewish people.  The magi were strangers, foreigners, total outsiders who came to pay royal homage to this little child. In the first reading of today, a prophet encourages the people to stand up and welcome a new day. All the darkness will be replaced with light and Israel will become a light to the nations.  They will see all the good things God has in store for them. 

Important points to note here: 

Which category of people do I belong to? Herod? Wise men? Shephards? 

Do I follow the Lord in all the ups and downs of life? The Magi did so. 

I change my ways once I meet the Lord in my life. 

Let us not forget that today Crib is complete with our reflections on the Magi. 

Happy Feast

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