Christmas - 2021

Christmas 2021

(St Francis Xavier Church Bejai Christmas Crib -2021)

Once, the fourth-grade students of a school put up a short Nativity play during the time of Christmas. Among the actors there was a boy who was larger in size, yet kind at heart and wanted to be a shepherd and carry the sheep on his shoulder; but because of his size, the teacher made him innkeeper to drive out Mary and Joseph, a role he reluctantly agreed to play. As the play went on Joseph came in and pleaded with the innkeeper for some room. The little innkeeper loudly told them there is no room and they must leave. He started moving away. Then Mary turned to Joseph and started crying.  This made the inn-keeper boy turn back and instead of moving away angrily as in the play, he came back to the surprise of all, said softly to Mary and Joseph, look there is no room here in the inn but you can take my room. True the play went off the track but the showed the spirit of Christmas that there is room for everyone if we choose to give it.

(St Francis Xavier Church Bejai Christmas Crib -2021)

As we browse the pages of the history we realize that, the Romans celebrated a feast on this day, called the festival of the unconquered Sun.  Today in the darkness of this night Jesus born as a child shines out as a wonderful light beckoning all of us to realize our full potential. He was born in the manger as wrapped in swaddling clothes as there was no room for them in the inn. He came to give hope to those living in difficult situations. He came to help those who have no one to help, guide, and support.  He was present to transform the world. As we wish each other the joys of Christmas let us remind ourselves that we have a task to fulfill, to find a room for those who have no shelter and are helpless before God.  Hence the Angels could joyfully announce to all “Glory to God in the highest and peace to those of goodwill.” Let us also join the chorus of Angels to bring peace to the world.

(St Francis Xavier Church Bejai Christmas Crib -2021)

The message of Christmas is very clear to us.  Jesus who had no room saw that we all would secure room in his birth. Now the poor, lame, blind, lepers and all will find a room in the babe of Bethlehem. The presence of Jesus gave room for everyone. This is because she wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in the manger because there was no room for them in the inn, but Jesus found room for us all by emptying himself. 

May Babe Jesus bless you and your family.

Happy Christmas


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