Solemnity of the Most Blessed Trinity (Year B)

Solemnity of the Most Blessed Trinity (Year B)

Deut 4:32-34, 39-40; Rom 8:14-17; Matt 28:16-20

image courtesy: Google

Today is the feast of the Most Holy Trinity. On this day the church invites us to reflect on the central and most unfathomable mystery of that faith, which she has been sent to announce and make present: the mystery of who God is. 

The feast of the Most Holy Trinity is a mystery and a mystery is precisely something that one does not fully understand. This does not mean that we are unable to express anything at all concerning this reality; on the contrary, we are able, thanks to what Jesus told us, to describe this mystery a little and to grasp it through comparisons and images. 

One parishioner said, “The Trinitarian God is a lot like our pastor. I don’t see him through the week, and I don’t understand him on Sunday.”

Our God is a Trinity, a God of love and forgiveness. In the Gospel of today, Jesus commissions his disciples to carry on his mission to all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and promises to be with them till the end times. In the first reading, Moses urges the people to be attentive to God. In doing so, they will enjoy his countless Blessings.  In the second reading, Paul refers to the Father, the Son and the Spirit. By our union with Christ, we are taken up into the family of the Holy Trinity.

In our practice of Christian Life, the Trinity is remembered often in prayer and during the daily routine by every Christian. Each time we make the sign of the cross, as we do at the beginning of the Eucharistic celebration, we say: "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."  The Holy Trinity is the mystery of God in himself – a God who is "one but not solitary".

The first person is the Father and he is called Father because he is the source of life for the son. 

The second person is called the Son because he receives his life from the Father. Father and Son love each other with a love more complete and perfect than we can imagine. Their love is so perfect that it is a person, the Holy Spirit. 

The third person then is the personal love between Father and Son and is the bond of unity between the Father and the Son. Yet in our practice of faith, there is no other words remembered than the names of Father Son and the Spirit and this Trinity is needed for us to fully live our Christian life.

St. Augustine said: “The Sign of the Cross was introduced by the Apostles themselves.” Tertullian (194 AD) observed: “At every step and movement, whenever we come in or go out, when we dress ourselves or prepare to go out of doors, in the bath, at table, when lights are brought, at lying or sitting down, whatever we may doing, we make the Sign of the Cross.”

The Sign of the Cross as a form of our devotion to the Blessed Trinity is very venerable and holy because it reminds us of the mystery of the Blessed Trinity and of our redemption.

Dear Friends,

Trinity is the source, model and reference point of all human communities. It is a Source because we are created in the image and likeness of God i.e. Trinitarian God. We are social beings and by nature we are Trinitarian. In us we have Father dimension: Transcendence – capacity to go beyond, Son dimension: transparency/openness and Spirit dimension: Immanence, i.e capacity to go within oneself. 

Model: We are community beings. Our communities are modelled after the Trinitarian communion. We come together on Sundays as a community to reflect the Trinitarian aspect in us. 

Basic reference point for Christian communion: the entire humanity is a community. We are relational and community people and therefore as a community we refer back to Trinity to live a fitting Christian life. 

May our Christian life is a true witness to this Trinitarian God who continues to sustain us and with us during this difficult time. 

(You are most welcome to add your thoughts and reflections in the comment section below)

Happy Feast 


  1. Excellent reflections.
    Thanks a lot
    Happy feast to you too .
    May the blessings of the Holy Trinity be with you.
    Be safe and take care dear Br Anush. Praying for you
