Solemnity of the Lord’s Ascension (Year B)

Solemnity of the Lord’s Ascension (Year B)

Acts 1:1-11; Eph 1:17-23; Mk 16:15-20

Image Courtesy: Google

“Dr. Carpenter is upstairs”

A very poor family by the name of Carpenter, lived in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.

The oldest boy was given education in the city, with the help of some family friends, who generously financed his studies when they realized he wanted to become a doctor.

The boy Carpenter, graduated with honour, but declined all job offers to practice medicine in the city.

He decided to go back to the mountains, where there were many sick people and few doctors.

For many years he ministered to the sick.

Some paid, most couldn’t.

He gave his very best and helped everyone he could.

In his old age he was in broken health himself and almost penniless.

Two small rooms above the town grocery store were his home and office.

At the foot of the creaky stairs leading up to his office was a sign with these words: “Dr. Carpenter is upstairs.”

One morning someone climbed those stairs to find their devoted doctor dead.

The entire community was plunged in grief.

They wanted to erect some kind of monument to him.

But they decided to simply write these words on a large tombstone: “Dr. Carpenter is upstairs.”

On this Ascension Day, we raise our heads up to heaven with hope and salvation that our “Dr Carpenter is upstairs!”

After the glorious resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples several times in different places. On every Easter Sunday we were led through various meditations on how to live a fitting Christian life. We had readings from the gospel according to John, wherein we reflected on Jesus as our Good Shepherd, the Vine and Branches and the greatest Commandment of Love. Today with the ascension of our Lord, we are given the command to go out and proclaim what we have experienced and learnt from our Lord during these 40 days. 

The Ascension of Jesus into Heaven completed his earthly work of our redemption. Through his numerous apparitions to hundreds of people between the day of his glorious Resurrection and the day of his Ascension, Jesus proved two things. First of all, he proved that he was the promised Messiah. Secondly, he proved that through him who overcame death, persons who persevere in their living faith in Jesus shall also overcome death and inherit the Kingdom of God.

In the Second reading, Paul prayed that God may give Ephesians an ever-deeper insight into the mercy and love of God the Father who made them members of Christ in the Church and called them to share in the divine heritage. The Father raised Christ from the dead and gave him a principal place in heaven. From there he bestows plentiful graces and gifts on the Church.  Paul also prayed that the Father may also send his Spirit on the Ephesian Church. May God send his Spirit on us and heal this wounded humanity. 

During this most difficult time, we are left with a sure hope that our “Dr. Carpenter is upstairs.” His 'upstairs' is not somewhere in the vacuum. He is within us, with us. 

And so we pray, 

Save us and protect us O Dr Carpenter!

(You are most welcome to add your prayers, reflections and thoughts in the comment section below)

Happy Feast


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