Sunday Reflections: Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B)

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B)

Jon 3:1-5,10; 1Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20

image courtesy: Mangalore diocese

One of the unforgettable figures of the 20th century was Princess Diana. Diana set out on a course to becoming queen of England but ended up becoming a world acclaimed queen of hearts. In the disillusionment that followed upon her loss of the royal title, it is easy to imagine her hearing the call of God, “Follow me, and I will make you queen of hearts.” Abandoning the rat-race for royalty and high society she obeyed the call of God and followed God along the path of service to suffering and forgotten humanity. Within her short life she won the hearts of the whole world. 

In today’s gospel we have the call of Simon and Andrew. They are called to make a radical decision about the rest of their lives. They are fishermen. They are busy with their trade, casting nets, but we do not hear that they caught any fish. Probably on this particular day they too, like Diana, were going through a state of depression and near-despair. It is in this state of mind that they hear the word of God addressed to them by Jesus: “Follow me and I will make you fishers of souls” (Mark 1:17). They leave their nets at once and follow Jesus.

In the first reading we have Prophet Jonah who is asked by God to go and preach to the people of Nineveh.  Even though Jonah runs away from God in the beginning, he is brought back to preach. People listen to his word and repent from their sin. God listens to their prayer and forgives them.  In the second reading Paul asked the Corinthians to remember that life is short and the world as we know it is passing away. He preaches total detachment and to live without being engrossed into it.

Today as we celebrate the Sunday of the Word of God, we are invited to listen to the Word of God and put into action. We are living in a precarious situation, where the Covid-19 pandemic is still claiming lives. Many are still left helpless in their daily activities. Pope Francis through his social encyclical Fratelli tutti invites us for social fraternity. Word of God has to be put into action in our society today. We need to reach out to the suffering during this time. We need to be Good Samaritans – reaching out to the suffering humanity. 

May the Word of God make us the hands and feet of the Lord in our world today.


(You are most welcome to add your comments and reflections below)

Happy Sunday 


  1. V meaningful.thank u for the reflection

  2. Thank for the refelction . Yes its really true we have to help one another like good Samaritan

  3. Thanks for the inspiring message.Dear Br Anush May Jesus bless you and your mission.
