Sunday reflections: Solemnity of the Epiphany of Our Lord (Year B)

Solemnity of the Epiphany of Our Lord (Year B)

Is 60:1-6; Eph 3:2-3,5-6; Mt 2:1-12

image courtesy: Google 

A small boy looked at a star and began to cry. The star said: “Boy, why are you crying?” and the boy said, “You are so far away. I will never be able to touch you.” And the star answered: “Boy, if I were not already in your heart, you would not be able to see me.”

Today is the feast of the Epiphany of our Lord. It is also known as the feast of the three wise men. The Gospel of Matthew tells us that wise men from the East followed the direction of the star and came to visit the Babe of Bethlehem.  
In the Greek text they are called magoi which is usually rendered in English as "Magi". Magi were a group of scholars who were associated with the interpretation of dreams, astrology and magic. In the Gospel we do not find their names or their place of origin. On the other hand, we do not know how many of them had gone to see Jesus. However, tradition settled on three, presumably because there were three kinds of gifts. And they were also given names, probably from the seventh century, Gaspar, Balthazar, and Melchior. The name Caspar means treasurer, Melchior meaning splendor, Balthazar meaning God protect the king. On finding him, without hesitation or doubt they pay their homage and present him three symbolic gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.  
The three gifts had a spiritual meaning: gold as a symbol of kingship on earth, frankincense or incense as a symbol of priesthood, and myrrh, the embalming oil as a symbol of death.  He will be rejected by the very people he came to save.  Ironically, he will be accepted by the outsiders, the gentiles, the marginalised and the insignificant.  The star is rather to be seen as a symbol: a light representing Jesus as the Light of the whole world.

It is very inspiring to note here that the wise men after meeting the holy family, departed to their own country by another way. It can be true with all of us. When we have truly experienced the Lord in our life, we will never take the same path in our life. We find new way to proclaim the Lord and our life becomes a light to others. 

May this feast help us to be the people of the new way of life and beacons of hope to all those whom we meet, because he is in our hearts and therefore we are able to see him. 

You are welcome to add your comments and reflections in the comments section.

Happy feast


  1. Happy feast! Thank you for the message. It was quite enlightening.

  2. Thanks for the inspiring message. The meanings of the 3 kings I came to know for the first time.
    Wish you happy feast. May Jesus bless you and your mission.

  3. Thank you so much brother for your inspiring reflections every week. Happy Feast to you, brother. May The Light of Jesus keep guiding you throughout your mission and enlighten His people.
