

Sir 27:30-28:7; Rom 14:7-9; Matt 18:21-35

“To err is human, to forgive, divine.”

Image credit: Mangalore Diocese 


The famous words of Alexander Pope “To err is human, to forgive, divine” is reminded to us as we read today’s gospel passage.

It is very difficult to forgive someone who hurt us or caused seemingly irreparable damage in our lives. Like for example, one who has betrayed us, looted us, maligned our name in public etc.

In our gospel today, Peter asked Jesus how often must he forgive, seven times? Jesus answered: “No, not seven-time but seventy times seven times…”

St. Peter might have thought that he was so generous in stretching the number to seven. But Jesus said: “No, not seven times, but seventy times seven times.” In other words that forgiveness must unlimited, that we should always forgiveness.

We need to drink clean water and breathe fresh air. We cannot expect to stay healthy if we drink contaminated water and breathe polluted air. When we are filled with animosity and antipathy, it is like drinking dirty water.

Reasons to forgive others: To be forgiven, we must forgive. First, we were forgiven first by God. Christ died for us. Second, because if not, we shall not be forgiven (v. 35). If we are harsh to others God also is harsh to us. Third, because we do not own anything, we belong to God. Lastly, Christ gave us an example. He forgave Mary Magdalene, the adulterous woman, the paralytic of Capernaum, the thief hanging beside Him on the cross and many more. He even forgave His executioners.


Loving God also depends on loving our neighbour. So it becomes a trilogy of love: love for ourselves, love for others and through this way we love God. Therefore forgiveness is the essential element in our Christian life.


Today let us text a message in WhatApp to someone whom we have hurt or with who we are not in good terms the word ‘Sorry’.

(Please add your reflections and comments below)

Happy Sunday

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