Study Tips


With the heralding of the New year, students are getting gripped by examination fever. The best of students I have known seem confused andhave raised some questions regarding study patterns. As the exams approach many try to shake up their study patterns. Students are engulfed with multiple distractions thatrestricts their concentration in their studies.Fatigue and time constraints affects their performance. Gone are those ‘OUR’days. “When I was at your age…..blah…blah…blah…”Children need to be guided keeping in mind the current trends and state of education. 
Quieter places (conducive for study) free of outside distractionsare denied to our children today.Therefore it is imperative to introduce new techniques that will facilitate our students to understand concepts and assimilate knowledge. Added to the heavy curriculum, students must cope with various extra-curricular activities required for their all-round growth. This creates a huge time crunch which leads to exam anxiety.
Here are some tips which students can follow to ensure a planned and productive study schedule that could help them become successful in exams.
Therefore it becomes our duty to help them to find new techniques to understand the knowledge and assimilate them. Time management and test anxiety often impact students.They find it extremely difficult to manage the given time and at the end of the day, they are blank. I would like to put down some of the study tips that can help students to concentrate and do well in their studies.
1.      Plan out the week
Setting right priorities for the week helps one to be efficient. Put down in writing what are the important tasks that you have to do this week. Decide what you want to achieve at the end of the week. Let study be the first priority at this moment. Keep some time for events that are unavoidable. Make up for the lost study time either before the event or after.
2.      Schedule in ‘time out’
You cannot study and work 24/7. Make sure that you are being good to yourself. Schedule time for de-stressing such as  you can take a walk, read a fun book, see a movie, or play some games with friends.  Relax and unwind a bit. Get energized to optimize your study time.
3.      Creating an Environment for Proper study
Choose the right spot. A quiet place with a suitable study environment. Whether it is your room or a library, choose an atmosphere that is silent and free of distractions in order to concentrate. Keep distractions at bay. Away from the TV, pets, and anything else that spells for an easy distraction.
4.      Have everything you need to study at hand’s reach
Systematically arrange all the required material such as …… within your reach, so as to avoid clutter and avoid movement. There should be no reason to get up, that will interrupt you from being "in the zone."
5.     Making short notes
Lengthy answers, sums and formulas are always difficult to remember. Write down the important points and keep revising  them time to time.
6.      Seek help early
Doubts are always the stumbling blocks of our success. Make note of all the doubts and clarify them at the earliest, may be with your teacher or friends. Don’t take them for granted.
7.      Never give up
Though the burden of studies seems heavy it is not impossible. Perseverance and hard work will certainly promise you success. Never accept defeat in terms of study. There is always a another chance. Get sufficient sleep which will help you to think straight and clear during the examinations. Allocate adequate time for revision.

If we learn to have a systematic and well planned study schedule, then all said and done, there’s nothing else remaining than to enjoy the study. We need willpower to motivate us to focus on our studies. At times we don’t get lucky enough to practice what we study, but remember studies never go a waste rather it will enrich us and and make life more meaningful always going to define what we are.
Good luck.

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