Minor Research:

Influence of the West on the Language and Culture of South Kanara




MARCH 2017

Dakshina Kannada situated in the coastal belt of Karnataka is a thin strip of land stretching down to the Arabian Sea. Historically, it was known as South Kanara (presently called as Dakshina Kannada). It abounds in vegetation such as evergreen and semi-evergreen forests, mangroves, beaches, vegetation, planted groves of trees, horticultural gardens, agricultural fields, grasslands, and household gardens. The population in the district is a heterogeneous mix of different religions, castes and classes. Socio- economic and ecological diversity adds to its ‘cultural heterogeneity’ quotient as compared with the rest of Karnataka. Above all, it has rich cultural tradition and puranic legends of historical importance. 
Change is integral part of our existence. We believe that change is necessary in order to progress in life. South Kanara, a land of rich heritage faces this change as a problem of identity of its own. As it encounters the change in its diverse language and culture, through the western education, many native people feel that we need to get back to our roots and preserve it for the future generation.  The changes in the basic life-style of the people of South Kanara poses a threat to the cultural heritage. The native people who have embraced the western education seems to have given the back seat to the native language and culture.  Therefore my research focuses on the influence of the West on the language and culture of South Kanara, looking deeply into the factors that are affecting the natives very much today. As part of this research, the researcher has followed the methodology of proposing questionnaire to the Konkani and Kannada writers of South Kanara and gathered many practical changes in the language and culture of their land and appealed for preservation and promotion of the local culture and traditions.

Canara or Karnad means the Black Country. It is formed from the two Canarese words Kare (black) and Nadu (country). The black soil country, the true Karnatak is the plain that slopes east from the Sahyadiris. The name was probably given to the coast by travellers who found that the language was the same as in the Karnatak and that the coast was under the rulers of the black soil plains. The area is also alluded to by the indigenous people as Tulunadu. Tuluva denotes the people or area speaking Tulu. Theories put forward to its origin are traced to the legendary ruler called Rama Boja, who is supposed to have made many gifts like Tulu-dana, Tulu Purusha. So the dynasty was called Tolav and the region called Tulu or Tuluva. But according to B.A. Saletore, the word Tuluva can be traced to the Kannada verbal root Tulu meaning to attack denoting the war like nature of the people. M. Govinda Pai states that Tulai means to ply or to row in water showing a sea faring people while Sediyapu Krishna Bhat opines that the word Tulu denotes water and therefore the name Tulunad means a region which abounds in water, denoting the occupation i.e., of Fishermen. Tuluva also means in Tulu, mild and meek.
Change, as we all agree is inevitable part of human life. Each day undergoes number of changes. South Kanara is a land of rich cultural heritage, history, folk theatre, be it Yakshagana or Kola; everything declares the glory of everyday life. I feel that if one observes this land of rich cultural heritage, it has undergone a lot of changes, be it in language or religious practices. The entire scenario of this land had been enjoying a special status over the ages. At present, life has become more sophisticated with the system of education and standard of living. Science and technology seem to have taken over our life-style. On the one hand South Kanara has greatly contributed towards education, banking, culture, so on and on the other hand the past rich glory seems to have been shaken with lots of influences of the Western culture. Therefore my research tries to focus on Influence of the West on the language and culture of South Kanara.
My attempt in this research is mostly based on the literature point of view. As a literature student I find that the West influences South Kanara through numerous ways. There are many languages spoken in South Kanara, viz. Konkani, Tulu, Kannada and Byari. These languages today are greatly influenced by the English language through various ways. Culture on the other hand too is very much influenced by the West. This attempt, I hope should lead everyone to introspect and motivate all to rethink and relive the past glory. The research looks back with pride and looks ahead with hope of preserving this rich heritage.  
(For the entire Project work, please contact me through anushdcunhasj88@gmail.com)

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